hi there

Welcome to my Portfolio!

This is AISHWARYA SHARMA, a passionate Data Scientist from India.


Programming languages

C Programming 80%

C++ 85%

Python 70%


Tools and Technologies

Data Science90%

Machine Learning 85%

Deep Learning 70%

Jupyter Notebook 90%

Artificial Intelligence70%

name : Aishwarya Sharma

skill : Passionate Data Scientist

age : 20

gender : female

College name : Banasthali University

Currently Pursuing : Btech (Mechatronics)

languages : English, hindi, German

phone : +91-9045472729

Email : sharmaaishwarya518@gmail.com

address : Moradabad, Uttar pradesh

Currently in : Jaipur, Rajasthan

Country : India



I am currently pursuing engineering from Banasthali University, Tonk, Rajasthan.

Data Scientist

I am a passionate Data Scientist from India. I have worked with many libraries of Data Science, Machine Learning and created a good number of projects at academic level. Currently, I am learning Deep Learning and working on Movie recommendation system.

my skills


my projects

Movie recommendation system

I have created this model which recommends similar movies according to the users choice using linear regression.
Data source: Kaggle
Libraries used: pandas, matplotlib, numpy

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Email spam checker

I downloaded the dataset from kaggle.com and created this model to check whether the email is spam or not.
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas

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Handwriting Recognition

Created this machine learning model to recognize the handwriting.
Libraries used: numpy, pandas

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Car Price Predictor

I have created this model to predict the price of the car on the basis of details entered.
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn

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Titanic Death Predictor

A machine learning model which makes predictions of the people who survived in titanic sink.
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn, Seaborn

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Salary Predictor

A machine learning model which predicts the salary of the employees based on their experience, qualifications etc.
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn

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Lean In Project
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn

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Student Marks Predictor

A machine learning model which predicts the marks of the students.
Data Source: Kaggle
Libraries used: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn

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Text to Speech

Created a model which converts text to speech using python programming language.

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